Blackletter ingoFonts

Fraktur, Gothic, old German… once prevalent, today practically replaced and forgotten.
Developed with history, the latest types offer an almost infinite abun­dance of forms
(and some aren’t even so angular)…

ingoFont Behrens-Schrift


Peter Behrens’ renowned art nouveau type
from 1902 — with ornaments.
Newly revised and neatly digitalized

ingoFont Deutsche Schrift Callwey

Deutsche Schrift Callwey

So-called Deutsche Schreibschrift
(German handwriting);
according to a sample from ca.1920/30

ingoFont Faber Fraktur

Faber Fraktur

Simple, easy to read. A modern black-letter, so to speak. Composed of a few basic elements with a wide-quill ductus

ingoFont Faber Gotic

Faber Gotic

Contrieved Gothic,
according to modern form principles,
in three variations

ingoFont Hero


A type of ”handwriting“
discovered by chance,
extremely abstract

ingoFont Koch-Schrift


Heavy, broken Script;
Rudolf Koch’s first print
from 1909

ingoFont Palmona


A rustic black letter from the 1930ies.
With stylistic alternates